
Monday, January 23, 2023

Questions : Acids, Bases and Salts

 Acids, Bases and Salts

Maximum Marks : 3

Q 1. What is an acid?

Q 2. What are naturally-occurring acids? 

Q 3. What are mineral acids?

Q 4. What are organic acids?

Q 5. What are bases?

Q 6. What are indicators?

Q 7. Give some examples of naturally occurring indicators.

Q 8. What are neutral solutions?

Q.9. Name one natural indicator used in the kitchen?

Q.10. Give the colors given by turmeric with different solutions.

Q.11. Name a flower whose petals are used as a natural indicator.

Q.12. Give the colors given by Hibiscus with different solutions.

Maximum marks : 5

Q 1. Give a list of naturally occurring acids and the substances in which they are found.

Q 2. Give a list of commonly found bases and the substances in which they are found.

Q 3. Describe litmus

Q 4. Name and give nature of two synthetic indicators.

Q.5. What is neutralisation?

Q.6. Describe a bee bite.

Q.7. Describe acid rain.

Fill in the blanks :

  1. The sour taste of the items is due to the presence of a substance called .          .

  2. Substances which contain acid are            in nature.

  3. Naturally occuring acids are also called           .

  4.            is sodium bicarbonate.

  5. Naturally occurring indicators are           ,           ,            and            .

  6. The most commonly used indicator is the           .

  7. The yellow colour of turmeric is due to a compound called           .

  8. The salt formed during neutralisation may be           ,            or            in nature.

  9.           , an antacid, is prescribed by the doctor’s in acidity.

  10. When the soil is too acidic,            or            is added to the soil to neutralise the acidic nature of the soil.

  11. When the soil is too basic,            is added to the soil to neutralise the basic nature of the soil.

  12. In factories acidic waste is neutralised by treating it with           .

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